There are several options for course configuration within the dropdown called Other Settings found in the tab 4.Settings in the Course Editor.
Registration. This field allows you to determine how a learner can register for a course. You can select from three options:
- Self-Register allows the learner to register by clicking Enroll when they see the course in the Course Catalog. This registers them for the course and allows them to immediately begin taking the course.
- Pin Code allows you to set up a Pin Code for the course. A learner would be prompted for a Pin Code when they click Enroll. Registration would only be complete upon successfully entering the Pin Code.
- Require Admin Approval allows you to set up a course that would require an admin to approve the learner’s request to enroll. NOTE: In order to allow Group Admins to approve enrollment requests, additional setup by your Customer Success Manager is required.
- Prerequisites. This field allows you to list other courses which are prerequisites for this course. Setting a prerequisite means a learner cannot be enrolled in this course without first successfully completing the prerequisite courses.
- Search Tags. This field allows you to list keywords to a course to improve search results. These would be other words than just the exact title of the course.
- Display Tags. This field allows you to add additional words to the course that would display when searching the course.
- Optional Indicator. Checking this box will display Optional on the learner view next to modules which have been marked as optional.
- Allow Quiz Module Launch in Completed Course. Checking this box allows the learner to launch an incomplete quiz module even after the course has been marked complete.
- Customer Enrollment Fields Opt Out. Checking this box disabled custom enrollment fields for this course.
- Course Vendor. This field allows you to keep track of from where/whom you receive this course.
- Internal Cost. This field allows you to track the cost to develop, seat license costs, payments to third parties, etc.
- How many days until users fall behind. This allows you to set the number of days from enrollment before a learner receives the Behind Schedule email.
- Enroll Button Text. Customize button text for the learner to enroll/purchase a course. Default is Enroll.
- Course Version. This allows you to track course versions if you have more than one version of the same course.
- External Course Code. Used for tracking courses outside platform.
- Course Language. If your university uses multiple languages, the list of active languages will appear and allow you to select which languages are default and supported for this course. NOTE: This primarily drives course searches by language and other catalog aspects, not the course content or communication.
- Certificate. This is where you can designate a completion certificate for a course.