When you encounter an error or other item for which you want to contact support, it can be helpful to include a screenshot so we can better see what you're experiencing/seeing.
To Capture a Screenshot on PC
Click somewhere on the screen that shows the score/error/item. Press Ctrl+Alt+PrtScn (button in upper row near the right corner of your keyboard) at the same time. Go to your email and Paste (right click and choose Paste or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V). If your email client won't allow you to paste directly into the email, open up a Word document and use the same technique to paste the screenshot. Save and name the Word document then attach it to your email.
To Capture a Screenshot on Mac
Press Shift+Command+4 at the same time, then use your cursor to select the area you wish to copy. The screenshot will be saved to your desktop. You can attach it to an email. To paste in email, use Command+C to copy and Command+V to paste into an email.
To Capture a Screenshot on Mobile Devices
Each mobile device has a method for capturing screenshots. If you are unsure, consult your mobile device support. For example, on Apple iPads, click Power and Home at the same time. On Apple iPhone X, click Volume Up and Power at the same time. On Google Pixel, hold down Power and press Volume Down, releasing them at the same time.
NOTE: You can find instructions and a helpful video for capturing screenshots for both PC and Mac computers at: