The Access Time Limit feature is a set of options available to administrators when creating courses that allow you to set a time limit for learners to be able to launch the course modules, whether they have completed the course or not. Additionally, you can choose to allow learners to renew their enrollment for the course. If a learner chooses to renew their enrollment, this will write a new enrollment to their transcript. If this is a paid course, they will need to pay for the course again.
This article contains the following sections:
- How to Set Time Limit for Course Access
- How to Use Expiration Reminders
- How to Enable Renewals
- Test Out the New Access Time Limit feature
- Settings Example
How to Set Time Limit for Course Access:
You can set the enrollment time limit duration that a person can have access to course modules after enrolling. After expiration (e.g., 6 months from the day they enrolled), the launch button for the modules will not be displayed.
If the learner has completed the course by the time their enrollment duration has expired, the course will be marked as COMPLETED on their transcript.
If the learner has not completed the course by the time their enrollment duration has expired, the course will be marked as CLOSED on their transcript.
How to Use Expiration Reminders:
You can choose to have an email sent a set number of times prior to a learner's course access expiring (e.g., send the learner an email that their course will expire in one week).
NOTE: This email reminder is not automatically translated into various languages at this time.
How to Enable Renewals:
This feature works in conjunction with Re-Enrollment options. You must have selected Learner Re-Enrollment under the Re-Enrollment options section to enable the Renewal button to display.
Select Enable Renewals if you want a learner to be able to enroll after a previous enrollment period has expired. This will create a new enrollment; the learner will have to pay again (if a paid course) and start all modules from the beginning.
You can choose to allow the learner to Re-Enroll by clicking a renew button that will display either Upon Expiration or at Early Renewal (you can choose how early by entering a number and days/weeks).
The Renew button will display until a learner chooses to renew their enrollment (i.e., there isn't a time limit for how long the renew button will display. Either you allow a learner to renew whenever they choose to, or you don't allow renewals).
Test out the New Access Time Limit Feature
It is highly recommended that you set up a few courses using the Access Time Limit settings and then test them out over a period of a few days as a learner so that you can work through the settings that will work best for your program.
- Set up a few courses to explore various use cases such as:
- 1 and done: In this case, the learner has a set amount of time to access the modules in the course. When time is up, the module's launch buttons should not display again, and the course is marked as either Complete or Closed (Closed means they didn’t complete it).
- Learner Re-Enrollment (renews early): The learner has a set amount of time to access the modules but can Renew their enrollment (and pay for it again if a paid course). The admin can set how far in advance the renew button shows up prior to the current expiration.
- Learner Re-Enrollment (renews after expiration): The learner has a set amount of time to access the modules, but can Renew their enrollment (and pay for it again). The admin can set how far in advance the renew button shows up prior to the current expiration, but the learner doesn’t take advantage of it and renews post expiration.
- Name your courses appropriately to the scenario you are testing (make it easy on yourself!)
- Use settings in terms of days instead of weeks or years. (Otherwise, your testing period will take forever!)
Settings Example:
Here is an example of the settings created for a course that expects a learner to renew prior to their access time limit for their current enrollment (scenario 2 from above):
Learner View of Enrolled Course With Access Time Limit Displayed:
Learner View of Expired Course Access With a Renewal Button: