New Features:
Access Time Limit: The Access Time Limit feature is a set of options available to administrators when creating courses that allows you to set a time limit for learners to be able to launch the course modules, whether they have completed the course or not. Additionally, you can choose to allow learners to renew their enrollment for the course. If a learner chooses to renew their enrollment, this will write a new enrollment to their transcript. If this is a paid course, they will need to pay for the course again.
Bug Fixes/Changes:
- Added language and new logic to resolve confusion with Training Track Auto-Enroll Option
- Resolve time out issue with Allow Retakes page
- Resolved issue with Allow Retakes page not displaying a learner, as expected, that had reach maximum retakes.
- Fixed issue with Enrollments that displayed on learner transcript, but didn’t display on the admin view of the learner’s transcript.
- Resolved issue where an admin could still manual pass a module in a course that had already been marked as Completed.
- Fixed issue with training track progress bar on learner transcript not matching data on admin transcript.
- Resolved issue with paid re-enrollment courses not creating a new enrollment after payment as expected.
- Resolved issue where translation tokens were displaying on learner side with strings instead of platform button or display text when the system was loading.