New Features/Updates:
- Recommendation Engine – Manual Selection: The first phase of development for the “Recommendation Engine” introduces a feature where admins can manually select which courses or training tracks they want to choose to display as “Recommended” when learners are viewing specific courses. The default title that displays for this new section on the Course Detail page is “Recommended for You”. This title can be customized by going to: Admin > Settings > University > Text Labels and Description Section: Custom Recommendation title. This customized title can be also be localized to various languages supported in the university.
Up to four training items (courses or tracks) will display for the learner on the Course Detail page. Only courses that are available to the learner will display (e.g. courses that are restricted to a group where learner is not a member will not display.)
Admins can add recommended courses or training tracks under Recommendations in the Display section when editing a course. In addition to what courses or training tracks should display for the learner, the admin can choose when they want them to display on the Course Detail page. Choosing Always will display other recommended training items any time the learner views the Course Detail page. Choosing Only after completion will display the recommended courses only after the course has been marked as completed.
Tables can't be imported directly. Please insert an image of your table which can be found here.
- Shared Course Data via the Reporting API: The Reporting API endpoint now includes data for courses shared out. E.g. ABC University uses the Reporting API to pull data in to a BI tool or data warehouse and shares courses to XYZ university. Enrollment data for users who enroll in ABC shared courses in XYZ university will now be available to ABC university via the API. This behavior matches how the Course Enrollment Totals Report behaves currently. Note: both the Course Enrollment Totals Report and the Reporting API respect the privacy settings in the university courses are shared to. For example: If XYZ university has chosen to not include PII (Personally Identifiable Information) for their university, then ABC university will see enrollments for each course that a learner in that university enrolls in, but their PII will be represent with dashes (- -).
- Button Hover State: Some universities had button colors selected that made the text on hover state disappear. To resolve this, the button text on hover state will remain white instead of using the “visited link color.
Bug Fixes/Changes:
- Updated Course CreatedBy data field to more accurately reflect actual date created.
- Resolved issue where $BB balance wasn’t accurate after merging accounts.
- Resolved issue where assessment modules in courses with badges awarded were timing out.
- Resolved issue where video player controls covered up bottom of video and critical content.
- Fix for when bad data in system provides admin an error screen when inactivating users.
- Resolved issue that gave an error to learners requesting enrollment approval for courses in a training track.
- Fix for sections not preventing learner from accessing content in section prerequisites.
- Fix for the new Dashboard sharing feature that provides error when clicking ADD and not entering an email address.
- Fix for admin transcript not expanding the course details as expected when clicking the plus sign next to course name.
- Fix for assessment images that overwrite images with same name in other assessments.
- Fix for preview feature for anonymous users requiring log in when it should not.
- Updated SalesForce integration to assist with periodic timeouts and failure to sync data.
- Resolved issue where browser console errors and warnings unnecessarily displayed.
- Resolved issue when users registered and would manually enter a region (e.g. US or CA) instead of using the dropdown list.
- Group Admins will now be routed to the old dashboard instead of the new one as expected.
- For learner file upload approval notifications, only group admins for the groups that the course is restricted to will receive the notifications instead of all group admins that the learner is a member of.
- The registration page now has a character limit on the input fields and also resolved issue where slow networks occasionally allowed a user to submit their registration prior to all required fields being entered.
- Added error to the shopping cart when a learner attempts to add mixed currency items to the cart. (i.e. One course in USD and one course in Euro currency is not allowed to be added to the cart.)
- Resolved issue where an error would display instead of a log in prompt when users attempted to go directly to a link (such as for a course or a category) after they logged out.
- Resolved issue where the catalog or search results for paid courses were always displaying USD symbol for paid courses even when the course was marked in a different currency.