These university level options provide more flexibility in determining when Email Summary and Behind Schedule Emails are sent.
To change these settings for your university, go to: Admin > Settings > University Properties > Settings.
Turn on Behind Schedule Email can be set up to have an expected completion duration and if learners don't complete a course within the number of days specified for that course, they will receive a reminder email on the last day. The default setting is to only send the reminder email one time, but may be changed so the learner is reminded more frequently.
- Select the check box to Turn on Behind Schedule Email
- Select what level in the group hierarchy should receive notice about learners who are behind schedule.
- Select the frequency for the email to be sent to your learners (Once, daily, weekly, monthly).
NOTE: Learners will continue to get reminders to complete the course with the default cadence set for the university until they complete the course or up to 3 months after expected completion date.
Turn on Email Summary for My University
The Email Summary is a single email that consolidates email notifications sent from your university to your administrators and is a good way to get a reminder of pending action items, such as enrollment requests.
- Select the check box to Turn on Email Summary for my university.
- Select the frequency for the Email Summary to be sent to your university administrators.
NOTE: The Email Summary includes the following notifications: Essays, Activities, Behind Schedule, Assessment Results, and Pending Enrollment Requests.