BlueVolt offers a wide variety of reports across many segments of data (courses, users, accounting, etc.).
Available Reports
All reports are available in the Analytics tab on the Admin Navigation Bar. They are organized into sub-groups.
- Dashboards: Reporting overviews and information at a glance. Good for quick analysis and a visual look at training progress.
- My Reports: This is where you can find your Scheduled Reports.
User Reports
- Transcripts: Individual student’s training record. Perfect for employee or rep reviews.
- Training Track Progress: Student’s progress through Training Tracks (if utilized by your university). Useful for keeping an eye on who is ahead of the curve or falling behind in their training tracks.
- New Users: How many new users were added over a specific date range. Helpful for tracking university growth.
- Badge Report: A report on badges completed/earned by learners in the university.
Training Reports
- Course Enrollment Totals: Excel download with lots of options for how detailed or wide you want the results. This report has everything!
- Grade Book: Results of a specific class, who is enrolled, their status, etc. This report is good to check out how a specific student or students did on a course & the quiz.
- Aggregated Assessment/Survey Results: Cumulative results for quizzes or surveys in your university. Helpful to find out how students are doing and audit for knowledge gaps.
- Completed Course Hours: Sum of hours that the student has completed. Very helpful report to track annual training requirements.
- University Course Hierarchy: All the courses in your university, where they fall within the Category hierarchy, course status, # of $BB, # of hours, and Course Type. Good for reviewing your current catalog of courses and their settings. This includes Training Track Hierarchy options
- Module Age Report: Useful report giving information on when a course was created, last time it was edited, and who created it.
- Flash Content Audit Report: This report will provide information about the courses in your university which are using Flash.
- Course Seat Time: Information on the amount of time each learner has spent by course
- Scheduled Course Report: Information specific to scheduled courses (often ILT).
- File Download History: Gives information on the files downloaded from courses by learners.
- Course Payment: Detailed report on all course payments through your merchant account during a given period. NOTE: This report only shows when you have a merchant account set up.
$BlueBucks Reports
- User $BlueBucks: How many $BB each student has earned over the specified date range. Great for tracking $BB earning per student.
- University $BlueBucks: Total and detailed information on how many $BlueBucks have been paid out by your University. Perfect for tracking $BB paid for tax purposes, budgeting, or reconciling $BB invoices.
Accounting Reports
- University Promo History: Which promo/discount codes have been used (only if you have paid courses with promo codes). Useful to track which promo codes are being used most frequently (such as for marketing A/B campaigns).
- Invoicing Report : This report will give you information on the course-related items BlueVolt charges you monthly. This is primarily for Shared Courses.